Why Selling Products Alone isn’t Enough

Why Selling Products Alone isn’t Enough

Elite athletes and coaches reach their high levels because they possess a mastery of fundamentals. 

Take Vince Lombardi, one of the best football coaches of all time. At the beginning of every new season, he’d hold up a football and declare, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” 

The point of making such a simple declaration is that even at the highest echelon of their sport, remembering the basics is vital. 

So vital this Hall of Fame coach is starting a season by calling his players’ attention to it. 

And marketing is the exact same way. 

Millions have forgotten a core basic business principle throughout every industry: the why.

Businesses erroneously believing their primary focus should be selling products (or services) are doomed from the start.

Making sales is a byproduct of the true principle of why you’re in business: helping people solve problems. 

That’s it. You may not think “helping people” and “selling products” are too different, but starting by genuinely helping people will get you those much-needed sales. 

When you use your business to help people, you can’t help but provide undeniable value to customers, ultimately selling more products, delighting customers, and growing your business. 

Imagine what your business would look like if every email, landing page, and phone call specifically served that purpose: helping people. 

We can help make that incredibly clear! 

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