The real villain in your marketing tale

Sometimes, a brand’s marketing strategy is a lot like a cartoon villain from Scooby-Doo.
In Scooby-Doo, you have a seemingly unnatural force until the disguise is removed and the true villain appears.
In marketing, when we pull the disguise off our “complete” marketing strategies, you find a hodgepodge of random marketing trends, tools, and tips cultivated over the years – all piled up.
This happens when you don’t have a repeatable method for turning great ideas into real action.

Let’s introduce SAM.
SAM is one of our three-letter acronyms (or TLAs) to help our clients find long-term, continual progress and success.
Apply a Strategy – not just what marketing trends tell us to do, but strategy based on value and need, customer-centric marketing.
Then we Act – how to break up these strategies and turn them into actionable steps that help actualize our strategy
And Measure – we then measure our success, focusing on the most important KPIs and data points to give us accurate guidance on refining our strategy.

Then, it’s like a flywheel.
All we need to do is develop the habit of continual, on-going progress.
When progress is a habit, you can’t help but find more success.
